24 March 2014

the bowl is now half full.

Joshua and I got callings in church yesterday.
He is a Sunday School teacher for the 13-14 year olds or the 14-15 year olds. We aren't completely sure. 
I am on the Girls Camp Committee. Which also allows me to go to Young Women's every Sunday. I love it. 
We are also speaking in church next month. 
Being married is fantastic. 
We get tons more sleep now than we did when we were dating. 
He let me buy an Easter bowl for our coffee table. 
And he bought me a big bag of Cadbury Eggs to fill it with. 
He's a sweetheart.


  1. Okay firstly, super cute bowl! secondly i'm really jealous that you get to be in Young Women's again... As a leader! and i don't have a third. so just two things!

  2. heh heh thanks! it was 2 dollars at target. :) and I know! its fantastic. I still feel like a girl though… i'm only like 2 years older than they are.. oh well..

  3. what?? mmm i love target! and i just laughed so hard because that's so true.. You are young! ha. but hey they prolly think your the coolest leader!
