29 June 2014

Junior Status.

Last week was stressful. 
I had a test, and a final.
But I do love Block math classes. 
Soon after July 5th I will officially have my Associates Degree.
Then I had to teach the Young Women today.
Thank heavens for hand outs. 
We found this glorious treat. 
These bags never last long around here.
My personal (skinny) Sumo Wrestler.
He needs a hair cut. Real bad.
Joshua and I went to the Air Show at Hill Air Force Base..
very unprepared.
We expected a 1-2 hour show & public bleachers.
Turns out the show is 6 hours long and the public bleachers are really private.
We got sunburns, sore feet, and empty tummies.
But Joshua liked the big loud airplanes. 
excuse our yucky feet. just look at the soon to be tan lines.

1 comment:

  1. Hey CONGRATS!!! how is it having your associates?? it must feel amazing! also you are prolly tanner than me. So be proud! Im jealous!!
