10 June 2014

when my husband is on business..

i end up blogging during normal snuggle hours.
last month we went to a sealing in the salt lake temple.
it was lovely.

clearly he was getting sick of taking pictures.
hashtag creepy cousin josh.
then once we got donuts. from a donut trailer. 
 but i spilled in Joshua's newly cleaned car. oopsies.
also, one day i'm gonna have a home that i can decorate with these
and maybe it won't look completely ridiculous.

Joshua comes back on Friday.
in what feels like 16 days.
until then... 


  1. So.. i think you are hilarious for taking a picture of the food that you dropped in his car. And.. you're just amazing in general!

  2. Well thank you. Haha I had to stop him from picking it up so I could take a pic. I thought it would be nice to have. :)
